Harlan Ellison Book Query

Title List: Sort books by   Break list by

For Books show: > Role   > Uncollected flag  > Comments
> Show piece titles with: > Piece notes   > Edition notes > First appearance > By HE
> Show editions with: > Alternate title   > Comments
> Blank line between Books
> Include list of uncollected pieces
Select titles containing: and book type

0"; IF ($search > " ") $sql .= " AND title LIKE '%$search%'"; IF ($type <> "All") $sql .= " AND Type = '$type'"; $sql .= " order by "; IF ($break == "role") $sql .= "role DESC,"; IF ($sort == "title") $sql .= "alpha_title"; ELSE { IF ($sort == "type") $sql .= "type, alpha_title"; ELSE $sql .= "year_pub, title"; } $rc = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$db); if(!$rc OR mysql_num_rows($rc) == 0) { ?> Sorry, no entries were found matching the criteria you selected. Come again! $numrows books selected:
"; // Read through titles selected $writer_hdr = "N"; $editor_hdr = "N"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rc)) { // check for role headers IF ($break=="role") { IF ($row[role] == "Writer" && $writer_hdr!="Y") { $writer_hdr = "Y"; echo "

Harlan Ellison: Works as Writer

\n"; } IF ($row[role] == "Editor" && $editor_hdr!="Y") { $editor_hdr = "Y"; echo "

Harlan Ellison: Works as Editor

\n"; } } echo "$row[title] - $row[type], $row[year_pub]
\n"; IF ($show_role=="on" || $show_unc == "on") { IF ($show_role) echo "Role: $row[role]  "; IF ($show_unc) { echo "Contains previously uncollected work: "; IF ($row[uncollected]) echo "Yes"; ELSE echo "No"; } echo "
\n"; } IF ($show_comm && $row[comments]>" ") echo "  $row[comments]
\n"; IF ($show_comm && $row[notes] > " ") echo "  $row[notes]
\n"; // Read pieces if specified IF ($show_pieces) { $sql = "SELECT * from bib_book_piece,bib_piece WHERE book_id=$row[book_id] AND "; $sql .= "bib_book_piece.piece_id = bib_piece.piece_id ORDER BY sequence"; $rc2 = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$db); IF (mysql_num_rows($rc2)) echo "Pieces:
\n"; while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($rc2)) { // Special coding for sections IF ($row2[subType] == "Section") echo "$row2[title]
\n"; ELSE { echo "$row2[title]     - $row2[subType], $row2[first_pub]"; IF ($show_pc_by) { echo " By HE: "; IF ($row2[by_he]) echo "Yes"; ELSE echo "No"; } echo "
\n"; IF ($show_pc_first && $row2[first_appearance]>" ") echo "First Appearance: $row2[first_appearance]
"; IF ($show_pc_notepc=="on" && $row2[15]>" ") echo "  $row2[15]
\n"; IF ($show_pc_noteed=="on" && $row2[3]>" ") echo "  $row2[3]
\n"; } } } // Read editions if specified IF ($show_editions) { $sql = "SELECT * from bib_edition WHERE book_id=$row[book_id] ORDER BY year_published" ; $rc2 = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$db); IF (mysql_num_rows($rc2)) echo "Editions:
\n"; while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($rc2)) { echo "$row2[publisher]"; IF ($row2[where_pub] > " ") ECHO ", $row2[where_pub]"; echo " - $row2[year_published]   $row2[type] "; IF ($row2[ISBN] > " ") echo "  ISBN: $row2[ISBN] "; echo "
\n"; IF ($show_ed_alt && $row2[alt_title]>" ") echo "  Alternate Title: $row2[alt_title]
\n"; IF ($show_ed_note && $row2[notes]>" ") echo "  $row2[notes]
\n"; } } // end of read loop on books IF ($line_break) echo "
\n"; } // Show Uncollected works if specified IF ($show_all) { $sql = "SELECT * from bib_piece WHERE (collected='0')"; $sql .= "ORDER by Type DESC, first_pub"; $rc = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$db); if(!$rc) { INCLUDE("html_end.htm"); exit; } $story_hdr = "N"; $essay_hdr = "N"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rc)) { // check for type headers IF ($row[Type] == "Story" && $story_hdr!="Y") { $story_hdr = "Y"; echo "
\n"; } IF ($row[Type] == "Essay" && $essay_hdr!="Y") { $essay_hdr = "Y"; echo "
\n"; } // Special coding for sections IF ($row[subType] == "Section") echo "$row[title]
\n"; ELSE { echo "$row[title]     - $row[subType], $row[first_pub]
\n"; IF ($show_pc_first && $row[first_appearance]>" ") echo "First Appearance: $row[first_appearance]
\n"; IF ($show_pc_notepc=="on" && $row[15]>" ") echo "  $row[15]
\n"; } // end of read loop on uncollected pieces } // end of check on display uncollected pieces } //end page INCLUDE("html_end.htm"); exit; ?>